Driving Test Packages

Ready for your test? We are ready to assist! Check out our pricing and packages - we have options for any skill level. 

We specialise on working with mature students, students of all ages with anxiety or phobias, students with learning, intellectual and some physical disabilities. Please note we do not have modified cars.

We will not say you are ‘’TEST READY’’ unless you are!

And lastly but importantly….we WILL NOT waste your money or time. You will learn lots, you will be reminded of what you need to do, in a calm and respectful manner. And you will have fun!


Service   Price
Automatic Test Package 2.5 hours Details $215
Automatic Test Package + 1 Driving Lesson   $300
Automatic Test Package + 2 Driving Lessons   $385
Automatic Test Package + 3 Driving Lessons   $464
Automatic Test Package + 5 Driving Lessons   $620
Automatic 100 Hours full Logbook with Test Package + Test Booking Fee Details $7,000
Your logbook or app MUST BE SUBMITTED at least 14 business days and be APPROVED before you can tale your test!

You must pass your Hazard Perception Test before you/we can book your Practical Test.


  • When pulling over to the left side of the road, indicate, shoulder check, and arrive max 50cm from the curb (that’s the bottom of the curved curb) aim for the line that’s between the gutter and road. Stop, secure the car (hand break and put it into park). When pulling away from the curb indicate, shoulder check, and only move out into the road when it’s safe! (If you pull out without these important moves you will fail your test as it's DANGEROUS!) ·                                          When REVERSING look around you, and in your mirrors, then look out of the back window then move ONLY if it’s clear otherwise you will be doing another driving test. STOP IMMEDIATIALLY if there is a car coming, it’s illegal to reverse into oncoming traffic!                                                                                                                                                                                    STOP signs – Stop means STOP! 1 second or make sure the car comes to a complete STOP. Then edge forward looking left and right, then GO when clear. Roll through and you will be doing another test. ·                                                                     GIVE WAY means slow down, and if necessary, stop to prevent a crash.  If you pull out in front of a vehicle and slow down traffic, you guessed it – you will be doing another test! ·                                                                                                                         SPEEDING on test day is not a good idea, nor ever for that matter! Practice keeping to the limit or just under, (not 5-20k under or you will get minors every time you do that as its lack of progress and dangerous) don’t stare at the speedo, just quick glances. Otherwise, you may miss the inevitable 40km road work sign or school zone. When practicing this try and be in the left lane as other drivers may speed…do not follow them! And remember, you cannot speed up until the entire car has passed the next speed sign!                                                                                                                                                  Right turns at CROSSROADS. Look for the line markings in the centre and know the difference between the crossroads without centre lines. These intersections have a very high fail/crash rate. If there are no lines on the road, keep to the left. Give PARKED CARS and cyclists a 1m leeway. If over 60kph then 1.5m away.                                                                    MERGING - regardless of how busy it is, always indicate first. Start looking in your rear-vision-mirror and left or right-wing-mirror looking for a safe gap. Indicating early will give the car in your blind spot time to speed up or slow down and actively help you out with your merging. If the driver in the lane won’t let you in, slow down and go in behind, (preferred) or speed up and get in front…. remember not to exceed the speed limit! (Do whatever is safer, use your judgement.) Use your mirrors as much as needed but keep an eye on your road position with your peripheral vision as soon as you have a safe gap do a shoulder check and finally merge.                                                                                                                  SHOULDER CHECKING – MUST be done on EVERY left turn over a bicycle lane, but it’s a good idea to turn this into a good habit every time you turn left! And of course, EVERY TIME you merge left or right into another lane. Not doing this could turn out VERY badly indeed!                                                                                                                                                        INDICATE – Between 5-10 seconds before turning. Longer for merging.                                                                                            Turning Right with lights that have NO ARROW or THE RED ARROW GOES OUT. The first car must move into the intersection, (DO NOT TURN YOUR WHEEL TO THE RIGHT) wait for a safe gap or finish your turn once the lights turn amber or red. Remember to follow the dashed guideline.                                                                                                        ROUND-A-BOUTS remember to slow down, look right early on your approach but don’t stop for the car on the right who is still 30 meters away from the roundabout! Give way to cars already on the roundabout. Remember to indicate as you leave so other cars know where you are going next and to keep traffic flowing.                                                                          We will make sure you are at TEST READY, but we can’t take the test for you, it is ultimately up to you to practice all that you have been taught, especially the manoeuvres and know your road rules!                                                                                  You are TEST READY, but you may still get nervous and make a few mistakes, this is very normal, but as long as you drive the way you have been driving then there is a high chance you will pass. And know this……the examiners are NOT going to trick you, they are not horrible, they do not set out to fail you…. they are looking to see if you are safe!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Learn how all the instruments work in your car if you are planning on using it in your test. If using your instructor’s car, we will prep you!  So…..be safe!.........Oh and NO SPEEDING, NO CUTTING CORNERS (DO NOT TURN RIGHT OVER A SINGLE OR DOUBLE LINE (THAT'S DRIVING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD! DO NOT DRIVE TOO SLOW, KEEP UP WITH TRAFFIC AND CONDITIONS, WHEN TURNING RIGHT, POSITION YOURSELF CLOSE TO THE CENTER LINE/S, AND INDICATE RIGHT, DON'T SWING OUT LEFT TO TURN RIGHT!!!! THIS WILL CONFUSE THE DRIVER BEHIND YOU AND MAY CAUSE A CRASH..... THEN THEY CAN SAFETLY OVERTAKE YOU ON THE LEFT-SIDE.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DO NOT TAIL-GATE! 2 SECOND GAP IN DRY WEATHER. 4 IN WET WEATHER.
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